What's In A Name?
The word “Sovereign” means absolute, permanent power and authority. The word is derived from the Latin word “superanus”, which means above. And the word “Grace” means the “unmerited” or unearned favor of God. So, “Sovereign Grace” expresses the biblical doctrine of the sovereignty of God in all things and especially salvation, wherein all of the actions and works that result in people coming to know God, receiving spiritual life from God, being forgiven by God, and living with God both now and forever all flow from the absolute rule and independent activity of God bestowing the blessings of forgiveness and everlasting life to undeserving sinners in rebellion against God.
Fundamentally, by using the phrase “Sovereign Grace” as part of our name, we fully identify with the teaching expressed in the confessions of the 16th and 17th century as a result of the Protestant Reformation. The key ideas of the Reformation were captured in five Latin slogans:
By taking the name “Baptist,” we are stating our conviction that only professing believers should be baptized and become members of the local church. We are convinced of this because of the progression of the Bible from Old to New Testaments, the clear commands of Christ, and the example of the early church. Baptism is an outward visible sign that a believer is united to Christ through His death, burial, and resurrection.